Archive for Noosa Council


Noosa Council is currently in its first stages of preparing and delivering a new local planning scheme. It is expected that these changes will roughly coincide with Queensland’s new planning reforms which will commence mid-2017.

The new scheme will replace the current Noosa Plan 2006 and is expected to have a planning horizon to 2036. The new Noosa Plan will serve as the region’s primary policy and directional document to help in managing change and development. Ultimately, the plan presents an opportunity to better dictate the future direction of the area by providing sustainable development that effectively serves the needs and core values of the local community.

Over the next 3 years, council will be actively preparing the new Noosa Plan, which is expected to be launched mid-2019. Council and its town planners will ensure a rigorous process of community consolation is undertaken to allow residents the opportunity to share their concerns and opinions and shape the direction of the new scheme.

A discussion paper will shortly be released in late October and we encourage any interested developers, investors, property owners and residents to provide feedback to Council to ensure all community and individual interests are best represented. This first stage of consultation will take place for 6 weeks until mid-December and provide the basis of information to influence and form the new planning scheme draft. It is our way of letting Council know what we cherish and value about our beautiful area and have a say in future development over the next decade and beyond.

Council will consider the communities feedback prior to commencing a draft of the new Noosa Plan in 2017. It is anticipated that a final draft of the new scheme will be made available to the public in 2018 prior to another round of community consultation.

With its home base in the heart of Noosa, Martoo Consulting understands the need for the new Noosa Plan to successfully dictate a sustainable future for the region. Our planners, who are also local residents, can appreciate your question and concerns. With many years of professional service, our staff can interpret your specific circumstances to the upcoming Noosa Plan changes and professionally compile this feedback to Council on your behalf.

Please contact us at our Noosa Heads office if you would like to discuss how we can help you. Also keep an eye out on our Facebook page for important reminders regarding public submission deadlines and progress updates for the new Noosa Plan.

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The Sunshine Coast Council has, at a Special Meeting on Monday 14 April 2014, adopted the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme.  The adoption comes after the Draft Scheme was signed off by the State Government Minister, subject to conditions which are to be incorporated by Council.

The Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme will replace both the Caloundra City Plan 2004 and the Maroochy Plan 2000, providing a level of consistency across the Sunshine Coast whilerecognising the unique character of local communities.

It is intended that the new planning scheme will commence on 21 May 2014, heralding in a new era for planning on the Sunshine Coast.

Should you wish to know of your opportunities for development either before or after adoption of the new scheme, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Noosa Council and Sunshine Coast Regional Council– what it means for the Sunshine Coast

Two new local governments, two distinct and fresh approaches –


On January 1, 2014, the local government conglomerate of Maroochy Shire Council, Caloundra City Council, and Noosa Council, known since 2008 as the Sunshine Coast Regional Council, ceased to exist.  In its place rose two new Council configurations; a reinstatement of the Noosa Council, and the Sunshine Coast Regional Council comprised of the former Maroochy Shire Council and Caloundra City Council areas.  This change was one fought for a long time by residents of Noosa, seeking de-amalgamation from the broader local government of the SunshineCoast.  While the reformation will ultimately allow Noosa Shire residents to solely direct their Council’s future, both Councils have exciting new paths and challenges ahead of them, in order to select and set the scene for living and working on the SunshineCoast over the next decade and beyond.

The draft Sunshine Coast Regional Council planning scheme has gone through public consultation and review, with the scheme currently with the State government awaiting Ministerial sign-off for implementation.  The new scheme is expected to be endorsed around March 2014, according to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s (SCRC) website.  The new SCRC planning scheme has been drafted utilizing the Queensland Planning Provisions; the State’s template for local governments preparing planning schemes in order to encourage a consistent approach to scheme layouts, wording, and particularly land use definitions.

The new SCRC planning scheme, as a QPP plan, will look and feel like other new planning schemes in Queensland.  This means that zone types and land use definitions will be the same state-wide.  A number of facets of the new SCRC planning scheme are specific to the Sunshine Coast region, including a declared activity centre in Maroochydore (the Principal Regional Activity Centre – PRAC), a lenient change in residential dwelling density tests (“equivalent dwellings per hectare” as opposed to “dwelling unity factors”), and significant changes both encouraging and prohibiting duplex development in low density areas.  The introduction of the new scheme will inevitably change the direction of development in the SunshineCoast, regardless of what form it ultimately takes.

Noosa Council currently regulates development under the 2006 Noosa Planning Scheme (‘The Noosa Plan’), which was also the relevant document for the area while Noosa Shire was part of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.  This 2006 scheme will remain in force until such a time that a new scheme takes effect.  Our planning team has been working with The Noosa Plan since its inception in 2006, and can accordingly provide an experienced service to those seeking advice on matters within the Shire of Noosa.  We look forward to helping our clients both presently with the current scheme, and also into the next phase of Noosa’s planning and development progression.