Archive for Rainbow Beach

Changing land development scheme in the Gympie Region


Superseded Planning Scheme can no longer be requested after 1 July 2014

The Gympie Regional Council adopted the current 2013 Gympie Regional Planning Scheme on 1 July 2013, and as such, the one year anniversary for the take effect date is fast approaching – in less than a month from now.  Developments lodged to the Gympie Regional Council after 1 July 2014 will no longer be able to request assessment under the superseded 2005 Cooloola Scheme.

In some instances, this can significant affect the viability, profitability and design outcomes for the development of land.  It is suggested that even if you are considering developing land in the next 5-10 years time, that you urgently contact Martoo Consulting to conduct a due diligence exercise.

Our planners have the requisite experience to promptly provide advice on whether your approvals for possible future development should be started today – to avoid missing out.

Existing landholders, potential purchasers, and developers take note – this is an exercise which simply must be undertaken for anyone considering developing land in Gympie.

New Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme: six months on

Time running out for assessment under the old Cooloola Shire Planning Scheme

Gympie Town

The Gympie Regional Council adopted its new planning scheme a little over six months ago, on 1st July 2013.  The new planning scheme applies over areas under the old Cooloola Shire, Tiaro Shire, and Kilkivan Shire planning schemes, taking into account the Gympie Regional Council’s plan for development and the new requirements from the State with regards to land use planning.  Accordingly, the zones, levels of assessment, use definitions, infrastructure plans, and other key aspects of any planning scheme have been updated in the new scheme, meaning that a development can be considered differently between the old schemes and the new Gympie Regional Council planning scheme.

An application can be made under the old planning scheme for a period up until twelve months after the new scheme came into effect.  This means until the 1st July 2014, an applicant considering developing their land can still apply to have the application assessed under the old scheme.  This provision exists State-wide, and is intended to allow flexibility for landowners who may have their plans for development seriously affected or altered due to the effect of a new planning scheme.

It is essential to contact one of our experienced planners in order to determine whether there is any benefit in lodging your application for development under an old scheme.  The difference between schemes can be quite substantial, with changes to land zonings, minimum lot sizes for subdivision, levels of assessment for land use changes and other development, and use definitions being typically the key applicable changes.  This can have bearing upon any application, including primarily;

  • Subdividing small blocks or subdivision for an estate, or other reconfigurations of a lot; and
  • Changing the use for commercial, industrial or residential purposes (eg. Shop to factory, house to workshop, café or restaurant to tourist accommodation, etc.).

The new Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme has also been extensively utilized in applications prepared by Martoo Consulting in the latter half of 2013, and in to 2014 as well.

For more information on our experience and capabilities in our Gympie region, please get in contact.  Our Gympie office is located in the centre of town, and we’d be only too happy to discuss your development opportunities.